Monday, April 23, 2007

hateful people

just continue to try to make you look bad.
i really don't care.
i'm soooo dgaf right now.

it makes me numb just to think of what i could have done differently.
should have never got involved.
but it's too late now ... and at least i got some more trust issues out of it.
i don't know if i can even trust anyone ... i pick the wrong people.
but i am so over it ... i just needed all of the negative out of my life,
and it's finally out.
to come back NEVER again.
I thank the Lord.

it isn't hard for me to see the glass half full,
even now.
i need to surround myself with people like me,
who love life and people.
not want to make themselves look good, and are in it just for that.
i can't associate myself with that kind of shit.
no more stupid games for me.

I need time to heal me.
I have already forgiven ... but I will never forget.
and NEVER go back down that road.

p.s. it's still sad to think that some people will continue to think they are the victim, when it's just that they are so fucked up in their head ... that they don't know what it even means anymore. everyone should seek professional help. maybe the time is now. i know i'm sane after seeing a therapist, you should still wonder.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


is the best ...
top three on my list!

i am sooo excited for tonight.
i'm sporting my awesome tye-dye shirt
to support.
i know you're not supposed to wear the band's shirt...
but i love them so much and they're opening ...
so i gotta!


so i went to a demo today at school.
well i'm still here but ya.

it was soooo awesome!
i am falling in love.

i'm seriously thinking about switching majors.
i LOVE art.
and it's sooo much fun to make it.

so hard to make decisions.

Monday, April 9, 2007

now i know ...

why i try not to use hate ...

when referring to people.

some things are so unexplainable.

i just need to forgive ... but NEVER forget

camel no. 9

cutest ever cigz ... love them ... now in my possession.