Tuesday, February 2, 2010

groundhog's day.

First of all,
I actually really like that movie!

Phil saw his shadow, so we will have winter for another 6 weeks.
But he's only 39% accurate, so should I believe it?
What does winter really mean in southern California?
I guess some more rain.

I'm okay with that.

I wasn't here for the crazy storms, so I'd still like some more rain.

Now if I had to relive a day over & over until I finally got it right,
I would try to kill myself too.

But it's a good lesson.

I just hope that I am living everyday to the fullest.
That I'm doing what I was meant to do.

I think today will end up being a great day.


p.s. Both of my history classes are great. Highlights of my tues/thurs, but I think Biology is going to make this a very long semester!


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