Saturday, December 23, 2006

long time no write...

Well, lately I've been really busy and without internet connection.
Last week was finals ... I think I did okay.
This week was my first week of vacation!
I've been working quite a lot at my dad's kiosk.
On Wednesday I went to Veggie Fest @ Hayley, Parker, and Spenser's house.
It was fun ... and I'm going to make a vlog soon. I need to put a lot on my computer.
I kinda want to find another job ... to make more money.
I still can't wait until next semester though!
These are my classes:
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Next school year I am going to dorm!
I am so excited ...
I saw them and they are so cute,
like little apartments for six.
Until next time...

last 2 vlogs.

go to my youtube--->

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

my wish for next year

My phone is sooo old, and I have to wait until like January 19th to upgrade it.
I can't wait!
This is definitely the phone that I want!

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Christmas Wishlist

1. Camcorder [miniDV & digital]
2. 30gb iPod or Zune
3. case for my iBook

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Friday, December 1, 2006



I love watching it ... and I wish I was faster at making my own videos.
I have a lot of video ... but I don't want to use it!
It's kinda not interesting.

Living at home is kinda lonely.
I don't really have many friends I hang out with a lot.
Barely anyone ever calls me.
It just sucks, that I'm such a loner.

I think I want to start a REAL journal.
Like Joel on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Maybe it will make me more creative.

Next semester I'll be taking awesome classes.
I hope I find people to be friends with in there.

Movies have started to make me sad.
I want to like someone.
And for someone to like me.
I just don't know how to meet the right person.
It's really frustrating.

okay. that's enough whining.
I think I'll stop now.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

cold, cold, cold.

The thing I love about Fullerton would have to be the weather. It feels really good. Over here it's a little bit stronger than the IE. Cold is cold and hot is hot.

I missed the first bus this morning from the train. I was writing on my note cards for my speech in HCOM at the last bench not facing where it comes and totally didn't see it come or leave. It was weird realizing that I had totally missed it, when a whole bunch of people take that bus. The next one came at 815, so I was alright. It was just weird.

I can tune out almost anything I really want to. It's a talent and comes in handy for when I'm tired, but I can't even believe it myself.

The last guy, Steve, who gave a speech in my class spoke about studying abroad. I totally want to do that. It seems like so much fun. Since my major is french, I can go to a lot of different places. France would be fun, but expensive. There are other choices such as Morocco, Negev[Israel], Australia, Switzerland, Canada, Spain, Dakar[Senegal in West Africa!], Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Gaudeloupe, or Martinique. But then again la Surbonne sounds really nice.

I want to experience a different culture, and meet as many different people as possible.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

body alterations?

well ... for a while now i've wanted to get a tattoo
but i'm not exactly sure what my first one is going to be of.
i also want to get piercings now,
that just happened this week.
here's a picture illustrating where i want them!

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind ...

so i just saw the movie this week.
it is one of the best i've ever seen.
weird ... but great ... that's how i like them

the title comes from part of a poem by Alexander Pope.
it is called Eloisa to Abelard.
Eloisa loves Abelard sooo much, but he doesn't love her back.
she would rather forget him, because of the pain she feels.
lines 207-10

How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot! /
The world forgetting, by the world forgot /
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! /
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.

if you haven't watched this movie, do so.
it's def worth your time.

Jasmin's 18th Birthday

we suprised her @ 12am.
it was fun! here's a video.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

it's been a while....

So the stupid blog thingy hasn't been working lately when I tried to post something up ... so I just stopped trying until now.

I don't have enough patience to upload all of my Anathallo pictures right now ... it's sooo frustrating!

This whole week has been pretty boring ... but atleast I didn't have to go to school!

On Monday I went to cut die-cuts for my Mom's classroom, and I dropped it off after visiting my lovely EAC buddies. Sawaya wasn't there because ASB went to CADA. Yesterday was boring. This morning I went to Longs to enlarge two super cute pictures of Reuben when he was little. I took Indiana, and this dog was coming from the hills onto the road. I had to stop and go around it, and luckily the guy behind me saw what I did so he didn't hit him either. That was the scariest thing! So now I'm at the kiosk. Bored.

The whole vegetarian thing is going really good. Johnny's Burger has Vege-burgers, so I've been enjoying them lately. I could go for one right now!

My descision for my future car has been pretty much made up. I want a VW vanagon. The old kind. Or maybe a Karmann Ghia. Here's a picture of the exact van I want.

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Sunday, November 12, 2006


Okay so, I officially turned vegetarian today.
I just can't give up fish.
It's the one thing that I love sooo much!
Also, I can't give up leather.
I'm trying to gradually become vegan.
It's hard ... I know, but it's something I have to do for myself.
My first reason for doing this is my health,
I'm selfish, I know, but I don't want cancer or diabetes!
I want to be healthy all of my life.
It's been all good so far ... I want to keep it that way!
My second reason is for the animals.
The whole reason I stopped eating meat/poultry is PETA.
I read a PETA little booklet, and it changed my life.
I couldn't believe everything that it said!
So yeah.
You can laugh.
Or be supportive.
I would love for everybody to do the second one.
And I would really recommend it to everyone else too.
Much Love♥

Friday, November 10, 2006

Threadless, Anathallo, Weekend.

So I got my Threadless! shirt yesterday.

I can't wait to wear it tonight!

For sure it's going to be Reuben, Tasneem, and me.

It's going to be awesome!

Front row for sure.

This weekend is going to be super fun.
First Anathallo and Page France tonight.
Then the LA Fashion District tomorrow morning.
At night hanging out with Melissa, fun stuff!
Finally, Sunday which is SMMOOTH.[always fun for me]

I've finally started making friends in my Math 115 class.
I hung out with Crystal and Priscinda yesterday after we got let out of class early.
It was fun.
I hope I start hanging out with them and some people in my HCOM class more.

I'll put up all of my pictures from this weekend soon.
Maybe some videos too!

Thanx for reading!
Mucha Amor.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Election Day 2006

So yesterday was fun. I helped promoting to vote in front of the TSU after HCOM class. People signed the board if they had voted and I passed out tons of stickers. It really made me feel good to help to encourage so many students to vote. These are the pictures that the guy in charge, Abe, took.

I felt really bad because I hadn't voted yet. I had to wait until I got home because I had to leave for school before the polls opened. When I got there, I was the last voter. It was so cool, I finally was able to vote! Yesterday was awesome.

Before I went to vote my Mom and brother came to pick me up from school and we went to Chain Reaction to buy my ticket for the Anathallo show on Friday. Chain Reaction is sooo cute and little. I love it.

The booking manager sold me the ticket, and was like,"How did you hear of them?" So I told him the story of how I heard of them, and he said that when he booked them like 4 months ago, nobody even knew who they were. And that there are tons more tickets left. I am soo excited! I can't wait!

I hope I get my Threadless! shirt before Friday. I really want to wear it for the show.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Pancake Breakfast - November 06

Well it was a fun morning. The pancake breakfast was a success once again. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. I wish I had a few more.

The Ultimate Panckake Competition. Nathan won with a practically perfect pancake.

The line where everyone was served.

The crowd.
In the kitchen.

Micheal with Leopaul and his wife.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Public Transportation...

s wonderful. How can be so dumb to think they are too good to ride the train or bus? You ride airplanes, don't you? Same thing! gosh. I love the smell of the bus. It might be the rubber or something, I don't know. When I was little, like 5 or so, I took the Dial-A-Ride to school. The cool thing was that it was free for me because of my age. My parents only had one car at the time, so my Mom couldn't drive me. Actually, I started kindergarten late because we didn't have an extra car. Point? The smell of the bus [inside of course] reminds me of when I was little and I think that's why I like it so much.

Now I ride the train to and from[sometimes] school on tuesdays and thursdays. It is pretty cool, although I wish someone came with me. It gets pretty boring.

It doesn't feel like the middle of the week, more like the end. I love the weather, even though I'm really cold when the wind blows. At least in Fullerton.

I really want to see OkGo. And I can't wait until Anathallo comes to the area. I wish I was 21 so I could go to their shows in 2 bars. Why did they have to book bars? Ughh.

Running with Scissors is like a necessity in my life right now. I want to watch it soo bad.

School still feels a little bit lonely. Well at least in my classes. But I'm definitely opening up, and making new friends. My schedule for Spring semester is perfect. Not too early, not too late. Just right.

The background on my iBook is awesome. I love just looking at it. Format's new ep cover art. Awesome.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

stuff. stuff. stuff.

What is with this Christmas...ssy kind of music? Im at work ... Riverside Plaza and now their playing songs that I kinda like ... but only in movies. They aren't actual Christmas songs ... but they're the type of songs that remind you of the season. Whatever.

Three more hours of work, and I get to get my super cute costume! Well I have most of it I just need the wings and a crown. I'm going to be a fairy princess! yaaay!

I'm going to be talking to my youth group about Halloween tonight ... so I thought dressing up would make it more enjoyable. I can' t wait!

I bet I'll be nervous like right when I get up there though, maybe not.

Stand By Me is such a cute movie ... I had to watch it for HCOM ... but I enjoyed it! The Break-up was A LOT of fighting ... that reminds me of me. I do that way too much argue, argue, argue.

I don't know if I'll get to dress up on Halloween, I might go to see Regina Spektor! yay.

Maybe not, but just the thought is exciting!

Right now people are kind of getting on my nerves. I don't know why either ... well I know that it's because they're being annoying. But this always happens to me like once or twice a year. It's not that I'm in a bad mood .... it's just that people always think they're right ... and it's always when I know that I'm right. Oh well, I hope I get over it soon.

I'm wearing my cute vintagey heels today. I have to get used to wearing heels, they are too cute not to wear. Shoes are one of my addictions, along with purses and jeans and skirts and I love jewelry too. Gosh, I like too many things. Maybe I love shoes so much because I love my feet, they are so perfect. Small and cute, and I like my calves too. Not my thighs or my stomach, need to work on those.

So superficial, stupid society. And trust me, I'm def not conceited. It just seems like it sometimes.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

talking to strangers.

I was supposed to talk to the really cute guy from the train/bus today.
I didn't really. He was talking to this other girl.
So technically I couldn't.
But I did make some progress. I was standing close to him and the girl when the bus came ... and she kinda made a joke ... she laughs really loud ... anyways I was like smiling/laughing too ... and he was totally checking me out.
It sounds bad that he was talking to a girl. But they for sure aren't going out and I don't think he likes her either because when we sat on the bus ... he sat kinda far from her even though there were other seats near her.
I think he wants to talk to me too ... because he keeps looking at me like he wants to.
So for sure next week. He just started riding the train/bus too ... because I never saw him before these past two weeks.

It is hard, talking to strangers. But I will, next week. I promise promise this time.

So I started fixing pictures on photoshop lately. I was bored, and Format gave me the idea. Here's a really cute one ... My Dog Problem ... Yuma - taken by me in front yard- 2006

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click to see some more.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

beginning the week like this ...

So SMMOOTH [my church's youth group] I think went great. People started talking in thier groups so I saw progress. I absolutely loved speaking in the microphone.

I get to do it again next time, I have to do my research.

Last night the leader meeting went pretty good for a while, then at the end I got really pissed off. People just don't understand that I have a schedule that I need to stick by. I do as much as I can for the youth, and it's like what I do isn't good enough.

Clam2s has been going pretty good, but only 2 youth really come to the meetings. It's kind of dissappointing, but they are the ones that don't make excuses and actually want to be there. I pray that more youth would want to come to plan THEIR events, but if they really don't want to come, that's up to them. We set the meeting at a certain time, and that's what works for us. I know that we could change the day or whatever, but I seriously don't want to do it because I have other things to do during the week. If we changed it, the same people would just make excuses not to come, because that is the way it is. I'll try calling people this week, and maybe we'll change the time. But that is as much as I can do.

I just wish I felt appreciation from at least the people who I know in SMMOOTH, but me and my time is just taken for granted. That's how it's always going to be, and I'm glad that I am mostly doing all of this for God because otherwise I would simply go crazy!

I will start my research now about how Halloween started.

By the way, it isn't bad. People aren't dressing up to be like the devil, they're scaring away the devil! Trust me, I know.

i was supposed to ...

Well I promised Shirley that I would talk to this guy that goes on the train and bus the same way that I do to school in the morning by the end of this week. I totally chickened out today. He was like right there, and I just couldn't talk to him! Ugh. Now I only have Thursday morning, unless I see him at school or something, which is very unlikely.

I don't know why it's so hard for me to talk to guys. Is this normal, or am I just a weirdo? Hopefully the first one.

So my nails look way better. They are getting longer, and I used this buffer thingy that makes them really pretty and shiny. I like to make my nails look good, it's just that I usually forget or don't have time for it.

I seriously have been feeling like a complete loser at school lately. In some of my classes I don't even really talk to anyone, and it's not like I don't want to it's just that I feel weird or something. Everybody like know someone and I kinda join in some conversations sometimes, but I can't start one.

Next year I am definitely living in the dorms. That would make life so much easier! I would absolutely love it. I could officially be in the Titan Tusk Force, and meet a whole bunch of new people. I can't wait!

Although this school is pretty cool, I think I do want to transfer to San Francisco State at least for a year. I've always wanted to live in a city and that is the perfect one for me.

I have some homework to do, so I shall start that right now. I am so bored, and I can't wait to get home.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

bob dylan ...

So I saw the one and the only Bob Dylan last night. From very far away, but it was all good.

My Dad and I got there right on time, but it took like 30 minutes to get our tickets and we got inside on the second to the last Kings of Leon song. I was pretty bummed that I didn't really know the last two songs. I've heard them, but they weren't my favorites.

Then Bob Dylan went on for like 1 and a half hours or so. He and his band played for a really long time! They went off stage and came back and played like 3 more songs, including his very best "Like a Rolling Stone." It's funny though because his voice is way raspier and I could barely understand what he was saying at the end. And he sounded way different from the version of the song that I have.

I saw all kinds of people there. It was the most variety of types of people I've ever seen at one concert. Really old people that dress like him, younger people like in their 40s with their kids, 30-somethings with their girlfriends, college frat boys, high school scenesters, and obviously the kids with their parents. Really random.

When we got out I wanted to get a poster because they were really cool and it said like Long Beach Arena One Night Only. I was sure I would get one, but the merch guy was a freaking jerk and told us to get behind everyone else, but then he let this old lady pay for some where he told us not to be. So they sold out. Stupid jerk-off. He was all complaining that people thought he was one, so he said it himself and he used jerk-off. Gosh. Who uses that anymore? I guess Bob Dylan Merch Guys. Instead I got the last bandana. It's cool, but I definitely can't wear it. It was $10.

My Dad wants to frame it as a souvenier. He had never seen Mr. Bob Dylan(as the lead singer of the KOL said) in concert before. And he's been a fan for like ever.

It was quite and experience. I liked it. It was a huge concert, and I probably never want to sit at a concert again, because you're sooo far away!

I love standing because you can push yourself up to the front, and nobody will do anything because they don't want to get kicked out before the headlining band plays.

At the last Format concert that I went to, I got in front of this group of girls and they were all trying to talk shiz but I didn't care and they couldn't do anything about it. It was hilarious. They were trying to tell me to stop dancing. IT'S A CONCERT!!! Aren't you supposed to dance to music?!?!?!? omg. They really need to get lives and quick!

I can't wait for the Anathallo concert in a few weeks, it's going to be awesome because they're headlining!

And I can't wait until tonight at SMMOOTH. I think it's going to be fun, and I hope all of the youth have fun!

Thank you for reading! Much Love~muah

Saturday, October 21, 2006

next door ...

So it's my second blog today, I know.

But I was just reminded now, that the guy that owns the kiosk next to ours, i sooo hot. Omg. I know he's like 30 or something, but I don't care. And his wife isn't so easy on the eyes either. They met at a pet store, and that's what they do now. How weird.

He's still hot though.

Too bad he's married and too old for me.

The part that I hate about working here at the Riverside Plaza is that half of the people walking around are stupid couples.

I want a boyfriend.

One that goes to my school and lives in Corona/Riverside. Now that would be perfect.

I guess you really don't always get what you want. I've NEVER had a boyfriend, and I'm already 18 and in college. I'm too picky and don't make myself available I guess.


I got a haircut two days ago, and I keep forgetting to write that! I like it, and it seems that everyone else does too. At least that's what they say!

And here's my latest youtube video. It's my ride to school on tuesdays and thursdays on the Metrolink. I love these songs!

okay so ...

Last night was VERY interesting. I am so glad I went with Shirley to the movies. We saw Marie Antoinette. It was soooo pretty! I loved all of the beautiful shots of the fake Versailles. Gosh she was such a lucky little brat. Living in Versailles and she didn't even have to do anything. Her marraige was arranged! Ughh. Well I will go to Versailles sometime in my life, hopefully soon. And I will pretend to live there.

Okay so why are guys so dumb? And why can't they talk normally and say things, communicate?!?!?! It is very important to do that if they ever want to like get married or even be in a relationship. And I know every guy wants that sometime in their life, if they say they don't then they are lying!

Well, after the movie we went to Malaysia's party. But Shirly left quickly because she didn't feel really good.

I danced, took pictures, and colored with Isabella. Malaysia's little sister. We also played with Shadow for a bit(their super cute doggie). Then we finally went home like at 12am. I was sooooo tired from the whole day. Exhausted, as Isabella would say.

So I can't wait until tonight!

First, I will stop working, which is great, like around 4pm.

Then, I will go give blood, which I was supposed to yesterday(I made and appointment and everything) and it didn't happen because of the stupid drama that my brother causes.

Last, the best part ever, when my Dad comes to pick me up and we go to the Bob Dylan concert with the Kings of Leon! It's in Long Beach and it is going to be awesome!

I can't wait!

That was just really cool. Okay so this guy came to buy sunglasses and he came all the way from the Fremont School of the Deaf because he's playing against the Riverside School of the Deaf. He's on the football team, and I didn't even know he was deaf until he told me what school he was playing for and against. I've seen a lot of deaf people around here and some of the guys are really hot. Omg like serious. I sooo want to learn sign language! Another languauge to add to my list! Haha. I would so marry a guy who is deaf.

So I should stop typing because it's getting to be too much writing for one blog.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

for sure

so ... my blog from last week was pretty random!

my lip is way better, it just looks like i got punched by someone with a ring on.

I studied for the quiz in my California Experience class ... and I think I did good.
I guessed which question she was going to ask and I was right!!!

I told y'all that i'm psychic! lol.

What I want to do is start blogging as much as I can, so when I'm older I can see what kind of person I was when I was young. I really can't keep journals up, so wish me luck because it's really hard for me. The reason I think I can do it this time is because I always have tons of time between my classes.

I can't wait until tonight[Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, and 6 Degrees] and tomorrow[work with my iBook, Clam2s Meeting, and Malaysia's Birthday Party]! I hope that my period goes away like quick status ... gosh tom! lol.

So I have to really start taking way better care of my lovely iBook ... it's getting all scratched up. Just like my iPod. It's okay though, it's just the outside. I need to clean it on the inside, and not let my little brother use it anymore ... he just gets it dirty. I saw this girl with a cover for her laptop and it was fleece. That would be so easy for me to make, I'm going to tell my mom so she can help me.

I also want to start making bags from all of the material my mom and I have in our basement, it's ridiculous! We could probably clothe a whole small country with all of it.

That reminds me, I need to start researching about going to the peace corps. It's something that I've been saying that I will do in the future, and I will do it. I think it's really important to do things for others, and that is the perfect way for me because I want to travel, anywhere!

Languages really interest me. I can speak English totally fluent. Then there is Spanish, which I can understand for the most part, and I can also speak it. But everyone calls me 'gringa' because I have a major accent, and I like have to ask people how to say a lot of words.

Then my most beautiful language so far - French. I love it and learning more about it. I love the French culture, and can't wait to visit my Aunt, Uncle and Cousins there! It is so different from other languages although it's a romantic language. I can speak some words and read it for the most part, but I haven't studied it in over a year. I will catch up before next fall. That's when I will start the first of my many French classes. I tried to take it this year, but it was way tooo easy and the other that was open was at the wrong time for me. It's okay though.

By the way .... I'm a French Major. I plan on learning at least 3 more languages during my life time. I'm thinking Italian, since it's the last of the 3 romantic languages and it is what the Pope speaks at the Vatican, and what St. Clare[my confirmation name] and St. Francis of Asissi spoke! So much history in that country! Then I'm thinking Portugese{spelling?}[for Portugal(duh) and Brazil(party!)], Greek[so beautiful there and a lot of history there My Big Fat Greek Wedding might have had something to do with it], and Japanese[the sushi and fashion are enough reasons]. Okay that's seven now. But I really love languages, and with all of these languages I can travel with out any extra little books helping me.

Well, I just told you a lot about myself. While listening to a lot of music but I'll post what I'm listening to right now.

Regina Spektor - That Time - Begin To Hope - 2006

P.S. It took me 30 minutes to write this. I finished at 1:13! lol.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


okay so i should really be studying right now but i'm trying and it isn't working ... o well ... omg my lip hurts soooo bad and looks disgusting ... i have like a huge blister and i'm embarrassed to even walk around school but i have to. it's soooo gross. and i'm hungry ... but i can't eat until i study so thats about it ... i want to make another vlog soon ... my first one sucked and i have a lot of footage of stuff i want to show people about me ... so ya ... that's about it ... much love~muah!