Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I don't know if that is the right title for this post.
After so many disappointments with people,
I mean A LOT.
Somebody finally proves me wrong.

My next door neighbor saw me about to walk my bike up the stairs,
and he offered to help me!

So strange.
It's a good thing though.
To get hope again.

I mean of course there are those people in my life,
that are wonderful and I have nothing to complain about.

But there are so many more that are just,
well any words that I would write about them are inappropriate.
You get the idea.

So yes, those less than preferable people in my life have some
GOOD in them. I just see too much of the BAD.

I just hope that doesn't make me a bad person.
It's just hard to like people like that.
I try to love them, like Jesus does.
But to do that, I have to remain at a distance.

At least, that's what I've learned.


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